Markku Peltola - Buster Keatonin Ratsutilalla
01. Sähkösatula
02. Notskilla
03. Lyijysulka Sulaa
04. Ou-ou-ah?
05. Mexico
06. Pienet Pelinappulat
07. Boogieman
08. Väsynyt Susi
09. Kuuma Voi Olla Mut`Ei Koskaan Kylmä
10. Lumimies
11. Alaskan Avotulet
On Buster Keatonin Ratsutilalla, guitarist Peltola and his accompanying musicians play a place- and
timeless folk music. One just can\'t tell if these very laid back yet very cleverly arranged pieces have a set form or if they are excerpts from a jam-session. But then maybe Peltola and his cohorts are not so sure themselves. They probably don\'t care anyway.
Their music oscillates solemnly between queer humour and touching melancholy. This music sounds...
well, easy, unobtrusively and sparse. Peltola and his band use their means in an extremely economic
way. Most of the time, the main melody is played by the violin. With very few notes, it says all there is to say. All other instruments - electric and acoustic guitars, piano, brass and drums – are playing in a very loose formation. Nothing and no one is craving for the spotlight here, knowing that it wouldn\'t fit the music (and anyway it would be too much work). Everything remains natural, easy and friendly. Thus the soft percussion grooves and the simple themes and their variations seem almost conclusive. If, in the presence of non-Scandinavians, Peltola claimed that he played traditional Finnish music on this album, he\'d probably succeed with it. This charming production is combined with very nice artwork.
„Peltolas Band ist nach Lambchop die zweitgrößte leiseste, die in den letzten Jahren in der Stadt weilte“ DRESDNER NEUESTE NACHRICHTEN (Ger)
„Ihn kennen nicht nur Finnland-Aficionados“ DER STANDARD (Aus)
„voller bittersüßer musikalischer Situationskomik“ JAZZTHETIK (Ger)
„Unvergessliche Konzerterlebnisse mit diesem relaxten finnischen Haufen sind vorprogrammiert“ BEAM ME UP (Ger)
„Fiktive Folklore in zerbrechlicher Instrumentierung“ ZITTY (Ger)
„Eine Musik, die an die flirrenden Filmsoundtracks von Ry Cooder erinnert“ TAGESSPIEGEL (Ger)
„Instrumentals zwischen Folklore, Tango und Ennio Morricone“ KULTURNEWS (Ger)
(p) Klangbad 2004