NISTA NIJE NISTA – 4 Wolves Attack
„In our utopia, we speak and narrate simultaneously as a dialogue and as a collision.“
(Nista Nije Nista)
It is a precarious level on which 4 Wolves Attack, the second album by Nista Nije Nista ("nothing is not nothing”), operates. The four female artists from Austria, Germany and Australia are constantly tempting: themselves and their listeners. The create order within the moment. They create structures just to let them disintegrate in one breath. They flutter tentatively between musical units from which they construct their hybrids. They pick up themes, phrases, styles and texts, reassemble them, and layer them one upon another. Until in the end, it seems as if there is nothing left. Or at least nothing which one could easily pin down. Which one could describe with simple, ready-made words. But music can archive so much more than just think up a sentence. It can record what is already a step ahead and what hasn’t yet entered the room.
Capturing on CD what disintegrates within the moment. And
if you consider the fact that Klangbad-Mastermind Hans Joachim Irmler has had a hand in the production of this highly idiosyncratic concoction, the result isn’t all that surprising:
An album which you can listen to more than once while forever discovering new aspects.
„It’s not a readymade party, not a document of a rock show, not an artfully assembled product. It sounds like a workplace, like a factory floor (seriously at play). This record gives me space to think, and how often does that happen?”
"Der Ansatz ist dem von Industrial-Musik nicht ganz unähnlich"
"Elektronische Beats und Samples treffen auf Stummfilmorgeln, Saxophonfetzen, Krachen und Scheppern."
"Freestyle-Krautrock-Electronica von multinationaler Frauenband"
"4 Wolves Attack ist ein Stück festgeschriebene Bewegung, sinnlich, betriebsam und unbeständig. Es atmet."
Recorded 2006 at Faust Studio, Scheer
Produced by Hans Joachim Irmler
Engineered by Andreas Schmid
01. Hudba
02. Fat cats
03. Die Mutter
04. Die Katze
05. Random Talk
06. Der Schub
07. Mother cries
08. Kollektives Gedächtnis
09. Ridiculous
10. Lazy
11. Das blaue Pferd
12. Princess Leia
13. Einchen
Rebecca Harris, Ute-Marie Paul, Hemma Potoschnig,
Christina Reisinger